Northville Art House will provide classes at Winchester Elementary School this fall. These classes are designed to teach kids drawing skills and art techniques through a variety of mediums such as pastels, pencil, watercolors, acrylics and mixed media. Each week a new art project and medium will be explored. Space is limited to 12 students. Be a pART of it!
Information | Youth Classes | Adult Classes | Summer Camps | Online Classes | Painting with Parkinson’s | After School Program | Young Artist Art Fair | Instructors
Instructor: Maria Latour
These classes are designed to teach kids drawing skills and art techniques through a variety of mediums such as pastels, pencil, watercolors, acrylics and mixed media. Each week a new art project and medium will be explored. Space is limited to 12 students. Be a pART of it!
Where: Room C-16
Day: Thursdays
8 weeks: January 9 – March 6 (no class on 1/30)
Time: 3:45-5:00 pm (For security purposes and due to inclement weather, please pick up your child at the front door of the building by 5:10 pm.)
COST: $200 per student (price includes material fee)
Questions? Contact Maria Napolitano, Education and Engagement Manager,